You don't have to feel sick to be allowed to talk to psychologists. You don't learn to swim when you are already drowning
Talking to psychologists strengthens your ability to deal with the sea of thoughts and feelings.
Until you master the wave of life with joy.
The other way
Against being sick, not for staying healthy
Only possible via general practitioner
Medical prescription (OKP)/diagnosis received
Find a therapist for basic insurance
Potentially wait for session spots
Pay until deductible & co-pay is paid
For staying healthy, not against being sick
Certified psychologists with time for you. For when you want it and do not already urgently need it.
From matching to payment. Here's how it works.
*All sessions can always be paid for by yourself. If supplementary insurance covers partial costs, consider the steps with the small ⭐️
Any questions? We listen and answer.
How much do the sessions cost?
How does the payment work?
Will the costs be covered by my insurance?