Frequently Asked Questions

For You

Aepsy books a free 10min intro with the psychologist:s before the start of the consultation. Here are the reasons why:

  • You get to know the psychologists first before you start counseling/therapy
  • Time slots for the intros are rashly available even with busy psychologists
  • Problems are discussed and clarified, whether it fits
  • Final appointment setting is done together on the phone
  • Final questions about billing are clarified
  • Advice on whether an in-person meeting or online is a better fit

The design of the 10min intro is left to the psychologists. Basically, however, the following aspects are discussed:

  • Reference to the personal challenge (e.g. life circumstances).
  • Discussion of the specialties of the psychologists
  • Discussion of the procedure.
  • Agreement whether an on-site or online meeting will be held
  • Questions about cost coverage
  • agreement of the joint appointment
  1. click on Start selection now
  2. answer some questions about your needs
  3. the Aepsy system evaluates matching psychologists
  4. a handpicked selection and the "top 3" are presented
  5. compare the proposed psychologists
  6. make a choice and book directly your 10min intro call
  7. get to know psychologists and choose who suits you best
  8. pay easily online, session by session, as it suits you

Psychologists offer online consultations and meetings in practice premises. It is also possible to combine the methods.

  • Online consultations can be easily conducted from home. The effectiveness of online interventions has been scientifically confirmed.
  • The office locations are listed on the psychologist's profile. In the previous selection, the desired location can be chosen.
  • Combinations are also possible. For example, it is possible to meet the psychologist in person first and then conduct interviews online.

Start your selection here: Start selection now



Therapy session:

from CHF 150.

Psy. Coaching:

from CHF 69.-

  • Aepsy mediates independent psychologists and acts as an intermediary.
  • All psychologists follow their own pricing strategies
  • The prices are listed on the respective profile page

Here you can find the personal profiles of all psychologists: Find Psychologist now

  • Intros are booked / performed free of charge and without specifying the payment method.
  • Follow-up sessions are uncomplicated online payment (credit card/Twint)
  • You choose the appropriate psychologist(s) and pay for the sessions before
  • Psychotherapists listed at Aepsy offer sessions for self-payers / partial coverage supplementary insurance.
  • No diagnosis/doctor's orders are required (model for basic insurance).
  • Cost coverage varies from insurance to insurance
  • The payment takes place online via Aepsy
  • The receipt for the settlement with the supplementary insurance is simply generated as a PDF.

Here you can find a list of the biggest insurances with the respective additional insurances including the coverage of costs: coverage of therapy costs additional insurance

Here you can also find out how the system for the assumption of costs for psychotherapy works in Switzerland: Delegated psychotherapy vs. independent psychotherapy

No psychotherapies are arranged which are covered by the basic insurance (so-called delegated psychotherapy) and require a doctor's order

  • Psychologists are interviewed personally and go through a selection process.
  • Qualitative and quantitative criteria are continuously checked by Aepsy.
  • Only psychological psychotherapists and freelance psychologists who are recognized in Switzerland are placed with Aepsy.
  • All have several years of practical experience

Learn more about our approach here

**Important: If you are in a life-threatening situation or need urgent help, do not use this site. Please contact these institutions immediately: Emergency

There are times in life when mental stress increases so much that it is good to talk about it with a therapist. In the course of psychotherapy one receives valuable assistance. These are worked out together with the psychotherapist and have a lasting effect on self-help.

The benefits of psychotherapy are scientifically proven:

  • Sustainable help for self-help
  • Increase of the well-being
  • Decrease of complaints
  • Reduction of the risk of relapse

These are just a few of the clinically significant changes. Further, psychotherapy promotes personal and social skills, increasing psychological resilience and learning to cope better with a wide variety of stressors

The profession of psychotherapists is equal to other expert professions such as lawyers, doctors or engineers. People who are mentally burdened, have a challenge in life or just want to talk about their problems with a specialist are right in a psychotherapy (or psychological coaching).

It takes up to eleven years of training to obtain the protected title of psychotherapist. After a psychology degree, an additional study of several years is added for the specialized title of psychotherapist. Psychotherapists are experts in the human psyche.

To our approach

  • Psychologists have a university degree in psychology. They deal with describing, explaining, predicting and changing human and behavior. This does not necessarily include psychotherapy training.
  • Psychotherapists are psychologists who have completed specialized psychotherapeutic training in addition to their studies. They are qualified to treat people with psychological stress or disease patterns.
  • Psychiatrists, on the other hand, have completed a medical degree, followed by a residency and additional psychotherapeutic training. They are authorized to prescribe medication.

Regardless of the training path, the methods of psychotherapy are applied equally by both psychotherapists and psychiatrists, so treatment is independent of basic psychological or medical training.

Although psy. Coachings of trained Psychologists or even Psychotherapists are accomplished, one pays partly less. Here you can find why:

  • Tends to be less intensive
  • Often of shorter duration
  • Often conducted online, resulting in
  • Less costs for rent, travel and billing

We distinguish between two options:

Live chat.

  • You make an appointment with a psychologist at a certain time.
  • In your profile you will find the private chat
  • At the appointed time the psychologist logs in to the chat.
  • You talk simultaneously via chat during the joint session

Chat (asynchronous, not possible for first session)

  • After the first session you agree to continue via chat
  • Together you decide time frame and *number of messages

example: 1- 2 messages / week will be answered, 24h response time, 30min effort

  • In your profile you will find the private chat
  • If you have any questions just consult your psychologist
  • He / She will answer you within the given time frame.

For psychologists

Aepsy acts as a mediator. The pricing is left to the psychologist. We follow the recommendations of the associations in the sector.

The best way is to send us a request via the website. We will contact you within 24 hours (non-binding request here on the site).

We follow a specially developed selection procedure and recruit primarily through recommendations. However, if you meet the following requirements, we will be happy to consider your request:

  • A degree in psychology recognized in Switzerland
  • Further education title(s)
  • Cantonal license to practice (only for psychotherapists)
  • Membership of the professional associations FSP, SBAP or ASP (an advantage)
  • Two years of practical professional experience

First and foremost, we help people access the right support quickly. The pricing policy is based on a harmony of goals and incentives for all parties involved. There are no fixed costs or long-term contractual obligations for you.

Since we are a curated platform, we have our own technological way of working and this is related to pricing, we are happy to share more information during the non-binding video call.

From the first steps to your start – Aepsy is fully there for you and supports you in building your self-employment.

Follow the listed measures in our guide to become a self-employed psychologist or psychotherapist in Switzerland.

If you have any questions, please contact us via – we will be happy to help you!

Since the model change came into effect, there has been uncertainty about coverage for psychological support. We bring clarity.

With our Swiss insurance check you can find out which supplementary insurance you are covered by.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via – we'll be happy to help!

The simple answer: no.

However, the question remains if you want to have it so that you can bill through basic insurance. In this case, the answer would be yes. This would inevitably mean that you would only be able to care for clients via the basic insurance, since many supplementary insurances would then no longer apply. Despite the possible wish of your client.

What is the ZSR number?

The ZSR number is needed when a therapist wants to charge his/her services to the health insurance.

It is valid for the vast majority of health insurances: If you have a ZSR number, you are also basically bound to always bill the basic insurance first.

Disadvantages of having a ZSR number for health care providers

  • Tariff is predetermined by the basic insurance, no price flexibility or protection against inflation and competition.
  • Fixed, time-consuming and demanding additional administrative activities.
  • Clients cannot decide for themselves whether they also want to be billed via the supplementary insurance.
  • Limited self-determination in dependence on ordering physicians.

Advantages of ownership of ZSR number for service providers

  • All clients with a diagnosis can receive long-term psychotherapeutic support.
  • A wide range of clients with moderate to severe stress find their way to your practice.
  • Tendency to receive a high number of inquiries.

Disadvantages for your clients (if you as a therapist have a ZSR number).

  • The decision whether she/he prefers to bill via supplementary insurance is no longer in her/his hands.
  • Early phase psychological interventions must be paid for by the patient.
  • Franchises in Switzerland tend to be high. Sessions must initially be paid for by the patient, despite diagnosis and order.
  • Diagnoses are generally necessary. This requires the presence of an illness, which can be potentially upsetting and stigmatizing for clients with mild symptoms.
  • Diagnoses are recorded in the client's health insurance file. Accordingly, she/he may be discriminated against and rejected if she/he changes supplemental insurance.
  • Access to psychological support may be delayed by several weeks because billing through basic insurance requires mandatory physician orders.

Advantages for your clients (if you as a therapist have a ZSR number).

  • Long-term psychotherapeutic support for medium to severe stress is covered by basic insurance.
  • Clients with medium and heavy burdens and low deductibles benefit quickly from social health protection.
  • Psychotherapy costs add up and can be added to the deductible within one year.

At Aepsy, we work exclusively with self-pay patients and those who bill via supplementary insurance. It is important to us that we can accompany and support people before the onset of an illness without stigma and as quickly as possible. We want to encourage people to deal with their psyche early enough and to be in harmony with themselves – with the help of professionally trained psychologists and therapists.

More questions?

Contact us at

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